Boss Mailer Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Boss Mailer

Service Description

Boss Mailer is an email marketing service provided by JJS Pty Ltd. It allows clients to create, send, and manage email campaigns through a rebranded console, similar to Mailchimp, but with Boss Mailer’s unique branding.

Client Responsibilities

  1. Content Compliance: Clients are responsible for the content of their email campaigns. All content must comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Subscriber Consent: Clients must obtain explicit consent from their email subscribers. An easy opt-out mechanism must be included in every email.
  3. Prohibited Activities: Clients must not use Boss Mailer for:
    • Sending spam or unsolicited emails
    • Phishing or fraudulent activities
    • Any form of malicious content
  4. Account Security: Clients are responsible for maintaining the security of their account credentials. Any unauthorized access must be reported to Boss Mailer immediately.

Boss Mailer’s Responsibilities

  1. Service Provision: Boss Mailer will provide the email marketing service with reasonable uptime and availability.
  2. Data Security: Boss Mailer will store and process client data securely, in compliance with relevant data protection laws, including GDPR and POPIA.
  3. Support: Boss Mailer will offer support to clients for technical issues or questions related to the service.

Intellectual Property

  1. Client Data: Clients retain ownership of their email content, subscriber lists, and any other data they provide to Boss Mailer.
  2. Boss Mailer IP: Boss Mailer retains ownership of its platform, software, and any intellectual property related to the service.

Termination and Suspension

  1. Violation of Terms: Boss Mailer reserves the right to suspend or terminate a client’s account for violations of these terms and conditions or any activity that harms the service or its users.
  2. Warning and Rectification: Boss Mailer will provide a warning and an opportunity to rectify the violation before account suspension or termination, except in cases of severe violations.

Limitation of Liability

  1. Indirect Damages: Boss Mailer shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or related to the use of the service.
  2. Total Liability: Boss Mailer’s total liability shall not exceed the amount paid by the client for the service in the preceding 12 months.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. Any disputes arising out of or related to these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the Netherlands.


Boss Mailer reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time, with notice to clients. Continued use of the service after the amendments constitutes acceptance of the new terms and conditions.

By using Boss Mailer’s service, clients agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Boss Mailer, owned by JJS Pty Ltd, reserves the right to update these terms and conditions as necessary to ensure a safe and fair environment for all users.

All rights reserved.